QR code scams at shops //servicebloggers

The digital age has offered a lot of conveniences, especially when it comes to online payments. More and more users now use payment apps and online banking to shop, pay bills, and transfer money. However, this has also resulted in an increase in cyber fraud. Here are a few practices to follow so that you don't fall prey to any cyber scams.

Avoid scanning QR codes, Why? – QR codes are now used across retail stores for payment – just scanning the QR code lets you directly transfer money from your account to the merchant. However, a scammer can also use QR codes to have money transferred from your account to theirs from any payment app such as Paytm, Gray, PhonePe etc.

How does it feel like to retire extremely early? How much money needed to retire that early// servicebloggers

 There are advantages and of course, there are disadvantage comes along.

I retired in my 40’s, almost a quarter century ago. My wife retired the following year although at a younger age. We had accumulated a nice nest egg. It was nowhere near what the pundits claimed we needed. It was roughly four times our total annual income. That has meant occasions of economic stress, especially in the depths of the Bush crash.

35 Year old Woman retires with almost Rs 5 crores in savings

A woman from India has retired at the age of 35 after saving nearly (Rs 5 crores) with her husband Pradeepan, 40. They did it by cutting down on their expenses.


Srinivi retired at the age of 35 with Rs 10 core in savings

She used to save her pocket money as she enjoyed watching it grow instead of spending it

Sri now runs a Finance School, Provides a free 10-week online course to help people get control of their finances

Electric Motorcycle Vs Petrol Motorcycle which is best?

Rising fuel costs along with a series of government subsidies have made public to change over into electric vehicle as a result there was a subsequent shot up in the electric scooter sales. Where then a year ago, there were very few Electric motorcycles to be seen on the road. With the likes of the Ola S1 and S1 Pro receiving over 1 lakh bookings within the first 24 hours of the booking window opening, there's no underestimating the sheer public interest that e-scooters have managed to spike up, especially in urban areas.